Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Escape from Reality - Curtis

Strumming stress goodbye. I've been playing around with the F-stop and this one was taken at f/5.6

My favorite way to lose myself is in a crossword puzzle. Used a tripod and the timer to get this.

By far, my favorite way to run from reality is to run. Used a bucket to prop up the camera and played with the manual mode to decrease the shutter speed and depth of field. Then I played around in Picasa to focus the color on where I was headed.

Escape - McKay

Preface to pictures:
Although I didn't really get all of the shots I was hoping to for this week's topic, it was certainly easy for me to think of ideas. Turns out there are heaps of things that help me destressify my life. Immediately after photo club last week, I went to Carl's Jr to take a pictures of my 39 cent ice cream. From there I went to park night to take pictures of Ultimate Frisbee. There also happens to be a field of daisies where we play Ultimate. It is good to know that here in Alaska escaping from reality is as simple as... being in Alaska.

Title: Surfer Girl

Last night I hiked the turnagain arm. It was a beautiful day and finally sunny after days of rain. I took a picture of the ocean because the ocean is one of my absolute favorite places to be. Hiking is one of my favorite activities. I like how you can still see mountains in the distance. It is not like looking out into the ocean with just water, but in this view you can see more endless adventures waiting to happen.

Title: Future Joy of Being Married: No Guy Roommates

Ever Saturday I wake up at 6:00 to do my grocery shopping. This Saturday I found out that my roommates would be gone fishing all day so I knew that when I got home from shopping I could have the kitchen all to myself. I spent the next 4 hours cleaning up after my roommates and cooking my favorite pizza. Three escapes in one: Cleaning(more correct: having a clean place),cooking and pizza!

Title: Alaskan Weed (not that kind of weed)

I love flowers. Daisies are my favorite flower. Every time I go driving or go on a hike my mind is absolutely blown with the fact that daisies grow as weeds here. Every time I look at these flowers, my day seems a bit better no matter how stressful or terrible a day I have had.

Escape from reality- Layne

Those moments-the ones where an action, an event, an object, takes you from one world to another-are magical. When I need that moment I look up to the sky and let everything flow out of my mind. Instead I focus on what I see upwards. I took this picture through the sunroof of the car on our drive down to Utah- the drive that compelled me to look up and have a moment or go insane. I just cropped it a bit but I liked it in its original colors and shadows. simple.

The box of toys is from my dad's youth (going through our stuff at grandma's has provided ample escapes from reality). Each object has a memory, a fast escape route to neverneverland. I took the box outside to get natural light, then warmed the colors to show age.

Escape from Reality- Burtie

The title of this one is "The 4th F"... to be explained at photo club.
This picture combines my escape from reality with my guilty pleasure. When I am stressed, I go grocery shopping. Preferably late at night when it isn't as crowded and I can just wander along singing to the songs playing from the speakers and imagining all the wonderful meals I can make with the abundance of food I'm surrounded by :). An hour or two later, all my troubles are seemingly gone!
I actually took this picture with my point and shoot camera because I had some difficulties transferring the pics from my SLR to my computer. I used photoshop to edit the picture to look like the shot from my SLR. I then separated the picture into two layers, changed the background to black and white and voila!

Escape From Reality - Cody

...tempo rubato...
my most meaningful and failproof escape: music. i love a lot of things, but nothing takes away the stress and fear like sitting at the piano and just playing what i feel. singing. listening. all provide me with an escape from reality. i wasn't quite sure how to capture this in a photo. the only thing that kept coming to mind were the shots you always see in church videos...the ones that highlight a passage of scripture up close. that's what i had in mind when i took to this piece of sheet music using the black/white and macro settings on my canon digital elph. i'll call this one "tempo rubato" for obvious reasons. don't you all think we should come up with a title for each photo we submit? just an idea...
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Friday, July 23, 2010

Burtie- light addendum

Okay so I know that we have moved past the light theme, but I just took this picture last night and loved how it turned out! It was taken at about 10:00 P.M. as the sun finally emerged long enough to produce an amazing sunset. The water at Wasilla Lake was just glowing, and I love how there are multiple reflections of the sun in the water. I actually took this with my point and shoot camera and then changed the tint with photoshop to look more like it did in real life.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Burtie- Light!

You always hear the comment that "You can see the light in their eyes", so I wanted to actually capture the reflection of light in someone's eye. I pretty much just stared at a light bulb for way too long and took the picture using my point and shoot camera on the digital macro setting. I then cropped it and changed it from color to sepia tone.

Nicole-- Light

First week in photo club... woohoohoo!
I ended up going outside and taking a few photos because... well... nature is awesome, and the sun was out today. And from there, although this was not my intention, I ended up seeing how intriguing light was when darkness was there to contrast it. Finding contrasting things when photographing is, of course, an excellent thing to do-- It more fully brings out the importance of those things which are being opposed, and makes the image have much more life to it. I just ended up thinking about how we have been placed on this earth, and our knowledge of things before got here. We had our agency when we were in our premortal existence-- we were intelligent enough, as spirits without bodies and without much experience to understand that there was a difference between the Lord's way, and any other way besides that. But Heavenly Father sent us to earth so that we could sense, with our whole selves, of His plan, and that it His plan is Perfect. Although sometimes we only want to have joy in our lives, every experience-- whether dark and trying, or full of brightness-- helps us understand what it means to have it. The Lord sent us here because he loves us. This is the way for us to obtain perfection. This is the way for us not only to have eternal happiness, but to know it.

Alma 36:17-21
And it came to pass that as I was thus racked with torment, while I was harrowed up by the memory of my many sins, behold, I remembered also to have heared my father prophesy unto the people concerning the coming of one Jesus Christ, a Son of God, to atone for the sins of the world. Now, as my mind caught hold upon this thought, I cried within my heart: O Jesus,
thou Son of God, have mercy on me, who am in the gall of bitterness, and am encircled about by the everlasting chains of death.
And now, behold, when I thought this, I could remember my pains no more; yea, I was harrowed up by the memory of my sins no more.
And oh, what joy, and what marvelous light I did behold; yea, my soul was filled with joy as exceeding as was my pain!
Yea, I say unto you, my son, that there could be nothing so exquisite and so bitter as were my pains. Yea, and again I say unto you, my son, that on the other hand, there can be nothing so exquisite and sweet as was my joy.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Light - McKay

I remember in Jr high when I was required to read this book. I just remember our teacher talking about how censorship was bad and that this book was great. The whole time I was just thinking that I wish I didn't have to read a book with so much profanity in it... perhaps a censored version would have been better? So when someone prevents one from reading something it is called censorship. When one is forced to do something against their own will it is called... jr. high? Anyhow; I didn't like the book and have always wanted to burn it. This week my dream came true.

This is not really a great picture, but this is something else I have always wanted to do. I totally drew the smiley face on my first try! (I used my cell phone in case you were wondering. To get the eyes I turned the phone around so the light did not show).

This was a hard week to get a good picture of light because it has been cloudy or rainy all week. I managed to take a picture of some fire lamps.

Light, Layne

"I have a light"

The story will have to be told in photoclub itself but this is the light shining brightly outside my house. Never turns off. Never dims.

Light - Cody

one thing you'll all quickly learn about me is that i can be a bit indecisive at times. this is evidenced by the fact that i couldn't decide on one photo for this week's assignment, so i chose three.

last week when i was feeling nervous about presenting my first photo to the other members of the club, Layne calmed my fear by explaining that photography is simply about capturing light, much like our purpose as disciples of Christ is to obtain as much light as we can during this life. thank you for your wisdom, Layne.

my first two photos capture light itself. the first was taken during lunch break in my dark dungeon office, the second was taken amongst the majestic andes mountain heights while i served as a missionary in the city of cerro de pasco, peru.

my third photo is different in how it represents light. the water droplets capture the light and reflect it in what i've always considered to be one of the most beautiful ways possible. equally as important to my selection of this photo is the significance of light in granting life to the plant featured in the picture. through the miraculous process of photosynthesis, light becomes life.

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Portrait - Cody

as i explained at Blair's house, i was too shy to ask anybody else to let me take a photo of them. so naturally, i had to be both photographer and subject. i had so much fun.

i used the sepia feature on my point-and-shoot canon for the first photo, and the black and white feature for the second.
then, i had fun editing them a bit in picasa! i am grateful for google because they gave us picasa. and i am grateful for my dear friends who started this photo club.
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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Portrait- Layne

This is my kid brother, Seth. Ok not so much kid anymore. This photo shows that for me. His mischievous eyes and half smile. I love the way the light hits him. I darkened it a bit to show more depth.

Portrait - McKay

This is my friend Mike. We took a stop on our way up to Healy to explore the igloo. I told him I would be taking pictures for this assignment. I think he was just happy to be exploring.

For hike night we went to Arctic Valley. On the top of one of the mountains were some cool old buildings with this cement thing just outside the fence. Rebecca just crawled in because who would not want to climb in an old cement structure with a hole in it? I applied a filter in the Gimp to tweak the lighting.

I was trying to play around with some different settings on my camera and I was the most willing subject so I just took pictures of myself... I applied some light filters then converted to B&W.

Portrait - Curtis

Title: Joey

Story: I had the chance to spend the weekend with my new friend Joey. He's a big man with a big heart and that's what I wanted to capture in this picture. This was taken outside of a gas station on our way back from Healey. The overcast skies gave it the perfect lighting. I sharpened it and cropped the right side of it to bring him closer to the middle.

Water - McKay

This was at Nancy lakes when we took a break. I was looking for leaves with water on it. I didn't like this at first but I liked the detail of the hairs coming out of the leaf. The background was already pretty dark, but I darkened it more to make it look black.

This is one of the lakes at Nancy lake. It is a composition of 3 images taken at different exposures and merged together for more vivid colors.