Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Contrast- Burtie

The picture that I really wanted to take was a close-up of an old lady holding a toddler, with the contrast between old and young really showing in their faces with the wrinkles vs. smooth skin. However, my stalking efforts at the local park did not pay off. So my next thought was light vs. dark. Lucky for me, when I went home to Utah for the weekend, there was a beautiful lightning storm in the valley. I took this picture at about 10:00 PM, with an aperture of 4.6 and shutter speed of 1/15 s. I like the contrast you can see between the dark clouds and the lightning, but also between the darkness of the right side of the photo versus the left side, where the sun was just setting and there were not the ominous thunderclouds.

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